Anthony Morrison: Scams Plague On Facebook and Twitter

Anthony Morrison report on Facebook and Twitter scams. Anthony Morrison: “Every month, Facebook and Twitter users are increasing exponentially. Unfortunately; both old and new users are being victims of scams on social media sites”. Anthony Morrison continues: “Today, social media scams are what e-mail scams used to be before. What makes social media scams different is that today scammers not only spreading malware but also stealing identities”. Anthony Morrison continues: “Scam artists are also brand jacking and they are hurting companies too”. “Phishing scam attacks on social networking sites increased by 164% over the past year” Anthony Morrison continues: “At least 20% of social media users have been affected by online scams schemes”.  “But there are many ways to keep yourself safe from scam” Anthony Morrison concluded. “Over   my next posts I will include strategies that will keep you safe from scam on social media sites and scams on the internet”.

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